Registration 2025 (Mapleton Minor Soccer)

PrintRegistration 2025

Co-coaching requests between 2 people are honoured.

Team requests can be made on registration form. Player can request one other player for a team mate, both players must have submitted same names for team request to apply. For other circumstances please note they are at the discretion of the registrar/executive team, please email [email protected] .


Fees below are for regular registration. Those registering for U8 or older after April 1st, 2025 will be charged a late fee of $25 per registration** and will not be guaranteed a spot on a team. 

All new players will be required to submit proof of age to the registrar, [email protected] or through the online registration form.

The registration form this year includes A Concussion Awareness waiver and A Concussion Code of Conduct waiver both of which MUST be read and filled out by the player's parent/guardian as required by Rowan's Law which came into effect in July 2019.

Register Online!!!

Online registration will be completed using the SportsEngine website.

Before beginning, please read all instructions. You will be required to make an account with SportsEngine. To get the family discount all of your children must be registered in one transaction. If you have online registration questions please email [email protected]



U3 (Born 2022) - Little Sparks - $80
U4/U5 (Born 2020/2021) - Kiddie Kickers - $80
U6 (Born 2019)  - Kiddie Kickers - $90
U8 (Born 2017, 2018) $ 120
U10 (Born 2016, 2015) $ 120
U12 (Born 2014, 2013) $ 130
U14 (Born 2012,2011) $ 140
U16 (Born 2010, 2009) $140
U19 (Born 2006, 2007, 2008) $ 140

Family rates available if 3 or more children from one family register. 
**Late fees of $25 per registration apply after April 1, 2025 for those U8 and older. Please email [email protected] if you are unable to register prior to this.

Refunds are at decided by the executive team. Please email [email protected]